Academic research promotion

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Ceremonial induction of Michel Delseny into the Academy of Sciences, June 2014

During the course of their research, academic researchers contribute their work on topics under investigation to the international community in question, while at the same time drawing on the body of knowledge that has already been amassed in that particular area. Their work is of no benefit at all unless it can be widely distributed, publically exposed and subjected to the critical eyes of experts who together form scholarly associations. In return, international recognition of the quality of their work provides the researcher, the laboratory and the university with undisputable academic credibility. Once they have been protected (see Economic promotion), the results of the research conducted therefore need to be showcased academically in the form of international publications in refereed journals, specialist works and at international conferences.

Research is also published in these various formats at national level. Depending on how important the results are, prizes and honours may sometimes be awarded to certain professors and researchers, thus further enhancing their academic promotion.

Naturally, PhDs and Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (accreditations to direct research), together with the corresponding theses and viva voce examinations, are means of distributing and promoting research within an academic context.

International, European and national scholarly associations exist to structure research communities, coordinate and run them. For researchers, being an active member of one or several such scholarly associations is a form of recognition in itself and serves as a means of promoting their research.

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Date of update January 25, 2019