Exemption from registration fees

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Applications for exemption from tuition fees at the University of Perpignan

Only students who are newly enrolled in a training program are concerned by this procedure.

The steps to follow:

Step 1: Collect an ‘Exemption of registration fees’ application form the academic central office.

Step 2: Quickly make an appointment with the social workers of the CLOUS of Perpignan, either in person or by telephone at the following number: +33(4) 68 50 82 05 in order to submit your exemption request file.

Four commissions meet each year to review the applications.
The decision will be based on resource considerations, taking into account the background and personal circumstances of the person concerned. The request must be justified and accompanied by supporting documents.

Fee waiver fee dates - academic year 2019-2020:
Students enrolled in continuing education must make an appointment with the social workers at the CLOUS and then make a written request to the President of the University with the subject ‘request for exemption and your student number’.

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Date of update June 11, 2020