Independent of exchange programmes

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You are an international student and you wish to continue your studies at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia?

You must follow a different procedure depending on your profile and your study project:

You reside in a country with a CEF procedure (Centre Etudes en France)

If you reside in a country on the list, you must follow the following procedure:

  • 1st year of training (Licence1, DEUST, DUT, DU):  Create a DAP file (White or Yellow) from 01/11/2020 to 17/01/2021 on Campus France in your country. 
  • BTS, School or CPGE: Parcoursup.
  • L2, L3, LPro, M1, M2: Put together an application file Campus France from 01/11/2020 to 06/03/2021.
  • Doctorate: Directly contact the doctoral schools that propose the research topics that interest you. Once you have received a positive response, apply for a visa "talent -researcher passport" at the French consulate or embassy in your country of residence.

You reside in a country without an CEF procedure

  • 1st year of training at Bachelor 1 level:
Make up a DAP file from 01/11/2020 to 17/01/2021 with the cultural service of the French Embassy.
TCF registration for the DAP:
  • DUT, DEUST, DU, BTS, School, CPGE : Parcoursup
  • L2, L3 : Keep an application file with the institution.
  • LPro, M1, M2 : Apply via ecandidat.
  • Doctorate: Contact directly the doctoral schools that propose the research topics that interest you. Once you have received a positive response, apply for a "talent - researcher passport" visa at the French consulate or embassy in your country of residence.

Apply if you live in Europe but are not a European citizen

Application for the 1st year of training at bachelor level, you must apply on the basis of Green DAP file from 01/11/2020 to 17/01/2021.
Application for L2, L3: on application form.
Candidate for Lpro, M1, M2: via the ecandidat platform

Apply if you are a European student

You are a citizen of one of the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus (Greek part), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Swiss Confederation.
  • For a 1st year of training, you must apply via the «Parcoursup» platform
  • For a Licence 2 or 3, you must submit  an application to the institution
  • For a LPro, M1, M2: apply via ecandidat.

French Language Test (TCF)

You must demonstrate a good knowledge of French and present a certificate which confirms what your level of the French language.
If you do not hold a DALF C1 or C2 or a DELF B2 or TCF level 4 (with a minimum of 10/20 in writing) or you have not studied in a State where French is the official language or in a French bilingual section, you must take the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) organised by the CIEP (Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques).

Syrian Residents

Due to current events, the CampusFrance area is closed.
The C.E.F. proceedings are therefore temporarily suspended.

Candidates from Syria can apply for pre-registration by submitting a "blank" paper application to Wish University 1 without going through the French Embassy

Concerning the verification of the language level, candidates should contact the embassies of the following countries to register for a T.C.F.-DAP session: Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.

  • Espace CampusFrance of Beyrouth
    Ambassade de France à Beyrouth - SCAC
    Rue de Damas
    Espace des Lettres Ras El-Nabaa

    Campus France Beyrouth 
  • Espace CampusFrance of Ankara
    Ankara CampusFrance Merkezi
    Cadde No:9/7 Bahçelievler, Ankara
    Campus France Ankara
  • Espace CampusFrance of Istanbul
    Consulat Général de France à Istanbul
    Institut Français d'Istanbul / CampusFrance
    Istiklal Caddesi N°4 - 34435 Taksim - Istanbul

    Campus France Istanbul
  • Espace CampusFrance of Amman
    Ambassade de France à Amman
    P.O. Box 5348

    Campus France Amman
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Date of update March 23, 2021