Prix 2020 Henrietta Larson Article Award pour Nicolas Marty

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le 15 octobre 2021


L’Editorial advisory Board de la Business History Review vient de rendre public le fait que son article « The True Revolution of 1968: Mineral Water Trade and the Early Proliferation of Plastic, 1960s–1970s » a emporté le 2020 Henrietta Larson Article Award.

Présentation du prix

Le Henrietta Larson Article Award est décerné au sein de la Harvard Business School pour le meilleur article de l'année publié dans la Business History Review Elle résulte d'un vote de l'Editorial Advisory Board de la Revue.


This article examines the 1968 decision by the French mineral water company Vittel to use PVC packaging for its main product. This was the first time this type of packaging had been used for a mainstream consumer product. By examining the causes, manifestations, and consequences of this business decision, it aims to show how this model has spread and contributed to the creation of an environmentally damaging waste regime by abandoning deposit systems. The article also seeks to show, through this case, the importance of identifying social and institutional contexts to understand the trajectory of consumer products.

Nicolas Marty est membre du département d'histoire et de l'UMR FRAMESPA 5136 CNRS

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Mise à jour le 18 octobre 2021