Research and training

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In terms of research and training, the University of Perpignan is largely oriented towards the challenges of sustainable development and social responsibility by strong axes directly related to current issues.


Zoom on an action: "Tracking the Sources and Sinks of Plastics on their Way from Land to Sea"


The professional quality license
The objective of this professional licence is to train Quality managers in small and medium-sized companies, particularly those capable of setting up a management system integrating quality and the environment and of ensuring its monitoring and improvement.

This training aims to train managers or technicians in the trades of applied quality in cooperatives, in the food processing industries, but also in trades related to the impact of the activity of the food processing industries on the environment. This upstream and downstream approach to quality makes this training original and interesting in terms of employabilityOur other actions

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We can cool or even freeze thanks to heat from solar energy.
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Date of update May 25, 2020