Living organisms and Ecology

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The global changes which our planet is currently experiencing are triggering major disruptions that are affecting the ways in which living organisms function, eroding biodiversity and destabilising our ecosystems.

One of the challenges that biology has to take up nowadays is to tackle different scales of investigation in an integrated fashion, ranging from the smallest molecular mechanisms to the largest levels of organisation (such as populations and ecosystems). This will provide us with the resources we need to take action, monitor or even predict how the living organisms of the future will function.


  • CRIOBE: Insular Research Centre and Environmental Observatory, USR 3278 CNRS-EPHE-UPVD
  • CEFREM: Centre of Education and Research on Mediterranean Environments, UMR 5110 CNRS-UPVD
  • IHPE: Host Pathogen Environment Interactions, UMR 5244 CNRS-UPVD-IFREMER-UM
  • IMAGES ESPACE DEV: Modelling and Analysis in Geo-Environment, project team of the UMR 228 IRD-UM-UAG-UR
  • LGDP: Genomics and Plant Development Laboratory, UMR 5096 CNRS-UPVD
  • LEPSA: Performance Health and Altitude European Laboratory, EA 4640 UPVD
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Date of update June 10, 2020